As it is transferred to the human papilloma virus in women and men, and affects people in everyday life?

the human papilloma virus

The human papilloma virus (HPV) – the general name of a group of viruses that causes a variety of diseases. Known for the more than 100 types. The pathogen spread all over the world. In order to avoid the risk of infection, it is important for you to know, how it is transferred to the human papilloma virus.

What is the HPV infection?

With HPV infection – a group of viral diseases provoke the human papillomavirus virus. At the moment it is studied and described in the above, of the 100 viral types. Scientists have long studied the morphology of the pathogens, which are allowed to determine the type of virus-a condition which causes. Is a dedicated group of HPV high-risk Onco.

Taking into account the fact that HPV affects chiefly the sexual system, a great attention to studying the problems of the pay of gynecologists. About what is the HPV gynecology, it should be noted a high risk of developing cancer of the uterine cervix cancer. Experts have identified that it is this virus, specifically, of the 16. 18. the types of causes of development of cancer of the process of the female reproductive system.

HPV transmission routes and infection

Papilloma virus is known for its resistance to environmental factors, so long you can keep the activity of the external environment. This may explain the ability of the pathogen to widespread adoption. However, transmission of HPV to air heat pumps, and air-a drop way is not. Telling a story about how the papilloma virus is passed from person to person, doctors notes, acknowledged the existence of a direct contact with the skin and the mucous membranes a carrier of the virus.

The transmission path of HPV in different ways:

  • sex;
  • the battles of the contact's household;
  • the.

The most common way to pass on HPV

the way for the introduction of HPV

The first time I heard of this type of pathogen, the patients are often interested in to see the doctor, it is transferred to the human papilloma virus-sexual exposure. The medical profession points out that this method is the most common. According to statistics, about 70% of the people who maintain active sexual lives, it is a native of the papilloma virus. In addition, the infection can occur repeatedly, for all of his life.

The majority of men and women become infected with HPV within a few months from now, when it came to the active sex life. It is worth noting, however, that it is often HPV is subject to infection, transmitted transmitted diseases, however, infection is possible, and where to have sex without any infiltration. Contact with the genitals a carrier of the virus can cause an infection.

The doctors are following the paths of transmission of HPV:

  • the kiss;
  • oral sex.

HPV infection of the types of people in everyday life

Some of the infectious disease distributed domestic transmission route of HPV. As a percentage of the virus spreading in this manner is small, but you can't completely rule out such a possibility. The virus for some period of time can be saved in the activity, hitting the pool, in the sauna, so infection is possible, and common areas.

The infection in the household takes place, when the kissing, the use of the personal hygiene of the affected by HPV. In such cases, increase the risk of infection:

  • immunity weakening;
  • violation of the rules of personal hygiene.

The risk of becoming infected with HPV

The likelihood of being infected with the HPV increases rapidly at the beginning of the sexual life. This type of transfer is considered to be the key. The experts divided a number of factors, of which the availability of a number of times, increasing the risk of infection:

  • an early start of sexual life;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • neglect of the means of contraception.

Separately it is necessary, in order to describe the possibilities of infection in children. In the majority of cases of HPV are passed to the baby from the mother at the time. Moving along the general roads takes place in the infection to the baby. Children to more easily carry the infection to them which in practice occurs. In addition, due to the membership in conjunction with the mother's milk is ready-made antibody is observed in the spontaneous recovery.

How does infection with HPV?

HPV infection occurs by direct contact of mucous membranes, the skin in the genital area. Sexual intercourse often occurs in micro-cracks and the lining of the damage, which only adds to the risk of becoming infected with HPV. Moreover, there are some differences in the mechanisms of transmission of the virus to women and to men."

As it is transferred to the human papilloma virus in men?

papilloma virus

The likelihood of being infected with the HPV in men is directly dependent on the number of permanent sexual partners. Often, casual sex, multiple times, increasing the likelihood of infection. The same man, in most cases, have no idea of the membership of the HPV virus in the body. As a result of the virus from spreading further. 90% of the cases, a sexual relationship occurs in the infected area, which in the past had been completely healthy.

As you are sent of a woman, which is caused by the human papillomavirus virus?

The path of transmission of HPV to women, do not differ from those that are specific to women. In the first place is for sex. However, the risk of infection in women increases, and a few of the factors.

Among them, gynecologists are divided into:

  • an early start of sexual life;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • carrying out an abortion;
  • a traumatic birth history;
  • ginekoloģiskas disease.
  • stress;
  • long-term use of oral contraceptives use.

Be transferred to, or for the child, which is caused by the human papillomavirus virus?

Knowing that you have the HPV in the body, women who plan to become pregnant in the near future, the wonder passed, or the human papilloma viruses from mother to child. Analysts say that the risk of infection to the baby is there. However, children are rarely celebrated with the introduction of HPV infections-types, which are different from those of adults. Sharing an infection occurs frequently in the stage of promoting the fetus through the common interest in the roads, the virus of the mucous membranes of the mother pass to the child.

It is worth noting, however, that the danger of such infection is low. In the majority of cases, the body, the baby manages to get rid of the HPV within the first 2-3 months of life. This happens due to the admission of the infant to the body of the antibody, together with their mother's milk. The main risks of HPV-the offspring is influenced by the respiratory system in the occurrence of polyps. Similarly, the instances are rare and should be considered rather than the exception.

HPV – how is manifested by the infection?

If they are aware of it, as you are transferred to the human papilloma virus, many patients are interested in the dates of manifestation of the first symptoms. The doctors can't definitely say how fast the appear as a result of becoming infected with HPV.

It is of decisive importance to the following factors:

  • the patient's age;
  • the availability of the chronic inflammatory process in the body;
  • the condition of the immune system.

In practice, the time limits for commencement of the clinical manifestations of HPV are different. The appearance of warts and the affected cells can be seen, then a few weeks later, the through the months. In some cases, the first lesions on the skin in the groin area and the genital area found a year later after the arrival of the human papilloma virus in the body. To determine the exact time to get into the human PAPILLOMA virus, the organism can, on the basis of the conducted research in the laboratory.

The signs of infection with HPV

The symptoms of infection with the HPV manifests itself in the defeat of the genital area. In the majority of cases, the virus that leads to the characteristic skin lesions. The patients record the appearance of the vulgar papilomu genital kondilomas. Externally, the data of the outgrowths reminiscent of ziedkāpostus, therefore, to confuse them with other skin manifestations are difficult to detect.

Women in the papillary widening of the pale pink colour is caused:

  • in the area of the small of the pubic;
  • in the groin;
  • the removal of the clitoris;
  • on the outside the openings;
  • in anticipation of the vagina.

In some cases, warts are formed in the area of the anus, if the woman has an anal sex. The strong expansion of similar structures, which leads to the appearance of the bloody discharge, current painful sensations during sexual intercourse. Men of such education in the localized area of the pubis, perineal, less often – on the surface of the penis.

Vaccination against HPV after infection

Even those who are in the know, how it is transferred to the human papilloma virus, it is not always possible to avoid infection. After the treatment, in order to prevent re-infection by the HPV, to warn of the development of a recurrence, the doctors carried out the vaccination against the papilloma virus. Vaccination to prevent viral infections in the development of a 15-year period, and more.